We never needed a "name" since we are not an organization of any kind and are "nothing" more than a bunch of friends, of every walk of life and education and professional level and trade, and age. If you had a bunch of friends that you went hiking with and skiing with often, would you need a "name" for them? Of course not. We don't have any "membership" and never have had any "membership" in the over-20-years we've been here. If a person is devoted to following Jesus with all their hearts, they are our friend and family, whether they live in Zionsville or Greenwood or Des Moines or Bombay.
We have no staff or salary or any such thing. We have no "building" or "service times" -- although we have many wonderful relationships with those who do have all of those things. It's not a hindrance or obstacle. The "issue" is whether Jesus is Lord, not anything "external" or such silliness as that. We are in weekly contact with many, many hundreds (often a couple thousand) of folks from every denomination and background imaginable. We have no barriers or prejudices against anyone who is in love with Jesus and wants to obey Him. There are wonderful true-hearted Christians in every religious group.
Those who are in our close sphere of relationships in this city come from many different backgrounds as well. Folks we are close to simply want to "live" Christianity (read Acts 2:42-47 and 1Corinthians, chapter 12) rather than read about it once a week. And, consequently, the "expression" of Life is not "meeting-based" or "clergy-based" -- but rather as Jesus said, "a hundred mothers, brothers, and sisters" living for Jesus daily, in the workplaces and neighborhoods. Just simply people who love Jesus and each other, who choose for themselves and families, to try to love and serve God, each other, and neighbors and co-workers in real ways, every day.
The world's (and religious world's) well-known statistics of "50% divorce rate" and "75% of their children with lives destroyed" (Gallop, Barna, Wilkerson, Graham, Jakes -- all with such quotes) -- this is just not acceptable, if Jesus is involved. He died, and arose, to "overcome the works of the devil" and destroy "the gates of Hell" -- not to be an emotional pacifier or cultural icon. He wants to deliver everyone from sin and death. Jesus is raised from the dead and well-able to do so, if we are desirous of listening to Him and His Word, and changing. Of course when some decide not to be part of the "attendance-based" cultural religious world (as opposed to an Acts 2:36-47 and 1Corinthians 12 Life-relationship-based church), then problems arise.
There are MANY good people in the religious system -- that's just the pont. They deserve every opportunity to enjoy the truths of the Bible and Teachings of Jesus with those around them, rather than unBiblical ritual, hierarchy, and powerless superstition that has often passed for Christianity since the dark ages. It's really OKAY to be honest with what the BIBLE says about Christianity (read again, if you would, 1Cor.12 and Acts 2:36-47, and see if you have ever heard of churches living like that, without listening to the excuses for why "it doesn't apply to us" :) ) There seems to be automatic libel and defamation thrown at anyone who WANTS to believe and live what they Bible says, and doesn't "conform to the patterns of the world" (Romans 12:1-2) -- whether religious "patterns of the world," or otherwise.
No one here claims to be anyone, or even WANTS anything from anyone. It's just folks wanting to peacefully love Jesus, and enjoy each other, as in Acts 2:36-47 and 1Cor.12. It's simple and Biblical. No show, no budget, no ritual, no hierarchy or staff, no titles, no bosses, no positions other than everyone loving Jesus as best they can. Just ordinary people with no pretense or ambition for anything other than a simple love of Jesus. And, as I said, folks all over the world from every background apparently have the same heart for "Just Jesus, pure and simple, without pomp and circumstance, bells and whistles, bubble gum, or bailing wire, or clergy or budgets, or rules, nor any dress-up for a show. Just the quality of Life of Jesus, the King of Glory, as best we can. Helping each other, our children, our children's children, and anyone else interested, as best we can. Just love and sacrifice as best we can, for the short lives we have." Not real complicated. :)
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Friday, May 30, 2008
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